My half sister has one, so its time I did tooooo. My very own blog page!!! So now I can tell the whole world my news.... I am going to be a mummy!!
But before I give you updates on my progress and stuff, here's the story so far. I am a spoilt mini bull terrier, just 2 years old and I am a New Zealand Champion. The two-legged people I live with are really neat. There are two adult ones (Andrew and Louise) and an almost adult one (they call it a teenager) called Kieron. I also have a cat friend called Kaja and we both love to sunbathe and laze around the house.
But before living with these folks I lived with another people (when it's one its called a person I've just been told), Aunty Sue. She's a long drive away from me, but we go to visit and stay sometimes, and she comes to see us too when she can. She has more of my kind living with her... Holly (my half sister), Mouse, and Bandabear who are all mini's like me, and then she has some big Bull Terriers too called Chino and Aura. We're so glad Sue let me come and live with my people.
I used to go to Day care to play with other dogs while my people were at work, but now Louise comes home at lunchtimes each day and takes me out for walks and plays with me. Then after school its the teenagers turn, and then when Andrew gets home its his turn. Then I need a rest, or I chase Kaja (and sometimes she chases me).

My favourite outing is to the beach where I meet heaps of new friends. I love swimming, and just lying in the water, but get told off when I roll in the sand afterwards - especially if the people have forgotten to bring a towel. Not my problem!!
So now you know about me.
Hope you enjoy my updates.
Thanks for reading.